Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Most Needed:The Consumer or Stimulus Bill?

Last night, Barack Obama gave a more optimistic speech concerning the economic crisis in our country. Obama said, "We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than ever." The Chicago Tribune this morning said that "consumers were the most important audience" because "[Obama's] policies won't be effective unless confidence is restored." Obama 's optimism was meant to encourage consumers to be more confident in the economy and more willing to consume. The 787 billion dollar stimulus package will help, but the consumer needs to contribute as well. The more people begin to buy, the faster the economy of our country will recover. The consumer needs to take responsibility to help America out of this recession.

In class we talked about the trade-offs of capitalism. In our country, many people are losing their jobs or having their salaries lowered. Because of this, people are beginning to save more and spend less. But there is a problem with this. The consumer needs to be active so the stimulus bill will be more effective and can help our country out of a deep economic rut. If consumers do not begin to buy, more companies will suffer and the stimulus bill will have minimal effect. Obama made his speech particularly optimistic hoping America would feel more comfortable spending money, which should help our country move towards economic recovery.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Healing River

As I read through Huckleberry Finn, I began to notice that the river has more significance than just a part of the setting. The river dictates the book and pushes the story along. T.S. Eliot, a well-renowned poet, once said about the river, that "recurrently we are reminded of its presence and its power. " What kind of power does the river have in Huck Finn? More importantly, what kind of power do rivers in general have?

It was a Saturday morning, just relaxing on the couch, watching some Sports Center. The daily sports report then turned into a special report on how fly fishing on rivers has changed the lives of many soldiers who have lost limbs in battle. Many of these soldiers deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which is very difficult to recover from. A former Captain in the Navy named Ed Nicholson started a non-profit organization called "Project Healing Waters." This organization takes men who have lost limbs in war out on rivers to go fly fishing. Project Healing Waters "gives them new feelings that they are going to get through this." Being out on the river gives them hope and makes them feel safe. One of the war veterans said, "Here in the water it is peaceful" and you "don't have to worry about being attacked." The river has the power to heal the hurting souls of these war veterans. It gives them a place where they feel peaceful and safe. One of the veterans said that because of Project Healing Waters "I felt human again."

This organization is doing great things by using the peacefulness of the river to heal the hearts of many soldiers. Similar to Huck Finn, being on the river with Jim allowed Huck to see Jim in a new light. To see Jim as human. Rivers allow for growth and healing.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Now, for all of you coach potatoes, you know exactly what I am talking about. The blanket with the arms. The blanket that never lets you feel the cold. The blanket that makes you feel "snugly" all the time. THE SNUGGIE! How genius of an idea that is? Whenever I sit down to watch television, I find myself intrigued by a trivial blanket with arms.

Now, of course this sounds like a great idea but is it too hyped? The advertisement claims the snuggie allows you to watch TV in "total warmth and comfort" because of the "ultra-soft, thick, luxurious fleece." Come on! This is a $20 dollar blanket! How could it be so comfortable and so luxurious? Well, you do get "years of warmth and comfort" with this ideal blanket. Now, I do not see how this product could be more romanticised. It is a blanket that you can fit your arms in--a.k.a. a sweater. Is this really that great of a product? Of course not, but the creators of the commercial try to make it seem like an incredible product that will solve all of your issues. The snuggie may seem appealing with its catchy commercial, but if you pay attention to what the advertisement is really saying, the snuggie is not really what it is made out to be. The snuggie is nothing more than a cozy blanket. I do love this commercial, don't get me wrong, but the snuggie is romanticised and it made to look a lot better than it actually is.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Oppression in Paris,Texas

As January 20, 2009 rolled around, America wanted to put its racist past behind and "change." Thousands filled Washington D.C. to see the historic day of when our first Black President, Barack Obama, gave his inaugural address. Many optimistic Americans believed the hate was over and we would be accepting of all races and cultures. But, in Paris,Texas, the racial tension and oppression is still there.
In December 2008, a black man was "dragged... beneath a pickup truck until his body was nearly dismembered" by two white men. Police claim it was not a hate crime,but Jacqueline McClelland, the mother of the man killed, said, "Any crime that is done the way my son was done, I think hate played a part in it." Clearly, the white men were agents and oppressing the black man. It is horrible to see such racism in a country were we are pushing for racial equality. In the article from the Chicago tribune, there is a video clip that shows Jacqueline McClelland and others from Paris, Texas, talking about the situation. In this clip, you can tell that the African Americans are the agents but are they are using their power to help better their town and stop the racial hate crimes.
When given power, you have the opportunity to abuse it or use it for good. At this meeting, the agents are using their power to do good. When you are given power, how do you use it?