Sunday, October 5, 2008

Give Me My $250,000!!!

We put our hands in and cheered, "North Shore Community Bank, FDIC Insured!" I remember those days in 4th grade playing baseball. Hitting home runs, tagging people out at home plate, and pitching scoreless innings was what our team was all about. While reminiscing, I began to ask myself, what does FDIC insured mean?Where did FDIC insured come from?
Franklin D. Roosevelt came into the depression with the attitude of change. He was going to reform our economy so that we would leave the perilous time behind and begin to prosper. F.D.R. set up the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation so that when people deposited their money into banks that are FDIC insured, they were guaranteed a certain amount of money back if that bank failed. This corporation was created because many Americans lost all of their money when banks failed during the depression. We all know that our economy right now is in the dumps and people have started to compare these times to the depression. Legislatures are trying to prevent history from occurring again by approving the Bailout Plan. Within this Bailout Plan the FDIC will guarantee $250,000 instead of the previous $100,000. Since people are guaranteed more money, they will be less likely to go on a "bank run", which will result in banks still having money to function. This economic situation today is extremely similar to the times in the 1920's. But now I ask a question, will our country be able to bounce back from the economic peril?
America is one of the best countries in the world, and as always, we will rebound and become prosperous again. With the election ahead, we have to consider who will help our economy prosper most. Will it be Obama or McCain? I hope that whoever obtains the presidency will act similar to F.D.R, who helped our economy get back on the track towards global supremacy.

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