Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Klan is back?

"Society never advances. It recedes as fast on one side as it gains on the other."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

As we watch the Bush administration come to an end, we are excited to see what Barack Obama will do to improve and advance our country. Americans are very optimistic and see Obama making change to move our country forward. If our society is advancing, wouldn't Emerson argue that our society is receding as well? He was right. I opened the Chicago Tribune and saw the headline "Hate Incidents in U.S. Surge." This article explains that a surge in white supremacist groups have been noticed because of President-elect Obama. The Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist group, has hung "effigies of President-elect Barack Obama." Emerson's idea that "society never advances" rings true. Our nation should be in a time of change and advancement, but that has been halted by the rise in hate crimes. A lady from Angie, La., Judy Robinson, "decided to place an Obama campaign sign outside her home a few weeks before the election. On the morning after Halloween, she awoke to find 'KKK' and 'White Power' spray-painted around her yard." It is frightening to hear that the KKK is reviving and terrorising people for supporting our new President. Emerson's beliefs are clearly shown through the surge of hate crimes.

1 comment:

Mimi S said...

I agree, I think it's scary. With as much progress that the country has made with racism, the president-elect has made such a negative impact. I've heard the quote that racism is a cancer, and while it can be in remission for a while, it can easily resurface. I think it's terrible how this election has had such negative responses; what ever happend to seeing a person, not thier color?